Aug 17, 2011

His love never fails

Here's a message that came to me while worshiping  in our youth camp.

I just wanted to tell you, that God loves you and if in this world sometimes love can be selfish, then God has this special kind of love, that He loves us unconditionally. As written in one song „his love never fails“. Maybe u have never even thought that there could be a God , maybe you think that God is just the same as a santaclause or fairies – just a made up character, but I can assure you that He's not. I'm in our church's youth camp right now and as I'm writing this post for you there is going one a huge worship service. People are praising lord with singing songs to Him and clapping their hands together. Have u ever thought that church is a place where only old people go... bunch of old women saying some weird prayers. Guess what.. well,yes, sure there are also old people in churches but one day we'll all get old also. Anyways, right now we're in an old building which is full of young people. About 200 young people worshiping God, thirsty for God.
God's love is nothing like anything else. His love is not selfish, He loves us unconditionally!
If you sometime feel like u're alone in this world then know that God is always and forever with you. He loves you so so much and He is always there for you. I'm sure that this text can be a bit confusing for some of you but it's just something I felt I had to write down.

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