Nov 11, 2011

Not all who wonder are lost

Heiheii! Kell on jälle liiga palju ja mina istun jälle õmblusmasina taga aga mõningad asjad lihtsalt ei kannata oodata.
Täna toimus üks tore shoot ühes väga toredas kohas, nimelt hallis, kus valmistatakse igapäevaselt korstnaid ja mahuteid. Meil oli koos mõnus tiim ja shoodi ajal oli päris tihti päris naljakas - selle põhjuseks võis olla muidugi ka tehases hõljuvad värvipilved, mis mingi aja pärast kammima võisid hakata:)

Heihei! The time is flying when I'm doing my stuff and again it's way too late to be up but when you need to do someting then you just have to do it.
We had a photoshooting today in a really awesome location - in a factory where they produce chimneys and containers. Our team was really really great and we had lots of fun during this time. The reason why we laughed so much can also be the fact, that they had just use some kind of color in the factory and all the chemicals were still in the air, at some point these chemicals probably just started effecting us :D

Meie tänane tiim / Our team :
/foto: Oliver Rõõmus / modell : Niina Lõhmus /
/ meik: Grete Kokmann / riided : me /

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