Jul 14, 2011


Funny thing happened taking these pictures - while making these pictures a man and a woman passed by and I was just saying how I can't make up a decent pose when they commented sth in Estonian. That was kind of funny because we haven't met that many Estonians in here and we met all together like 4 people while taking these pictures :)

                    place : Helsinki

                          jacket - H&M

                            top - AP.

               skirt - made them from old trousers

                           shoes - H&M

                                            bracelet - just a random ribbon 

                        nailpolishes - H&M


  1. Mulle niiiiii väga meeldib su stiil! :)

  2. Mul on bloggeriga mingi jama ja ma ei saa kommenteerida oma kastaja alt aga : Aitäh :)!Niii armas :)!
