Mar 20, 2011

Third day

We'r finally in France!
It's just unbelievable how different has the weather been today compairing to yesterday. There were a snow storm in Sweeden but in here it's all just so different .In the morning, when we started our bus driving from Germany/Lübeck, the weather was cloudy and it seemed that that's how it's going to be for the rest of the day but no, from about 12 o'clock the sun came out and the weather was just incredible. The crass was all green and I even saw a couple of daffodils. The sun was shining, people were riding with their bikes and it just felt like I was in a totally different world. So cool! :)

Today we started out journey from Germany , we drove throw Netherland and Belgium and then finally we arrived to France. In Belgium we visited Brussels and most of the pics are made in there.

Tomorrow we'r going to Paris and we'r going to visit the one and only Eiffel tower!
I'm very excited!

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