Mar 7, 2011

Sexual Revolution

I was waiting for my friends to pick me up from the bus stop. I knew, that we'r going to some kind of a festival in Riga and it was called Sexual Revolution, but I had no idea what there were going to happen or what's with the name of the festival?!.

So... my friends picked me up and after some time we arrived to Riga I stepped into the room where the festival had already start ... Jesus Culture was playing and I just felt, that I'm just going to cry at the same minute I walked in. I managed to hold the crying part back for a bit later, after the sermon ,when Jesus Culture was playing and the people were invited to the prayer.

The festival was just absolutely amazing. I have to admit, that many times I have wished during the sermons, that it would finish sooner, but at this festival, the sermons were quite long and during all the 6 sermons not once I had the thoght, that it could already be over. God was just so amazing and the worship was just indescribable. I also took some videos but I really have no idea how to put them here :D

The singer of Jesus Culture , Chris Quilala - he looks just like Mika

This woman here is Kim Walker-Smith. She is also the singer of Jesus Culture and wow, I mean this woman has just wow voice !(for a sample) She is totalley amazing. She looked just absolutely lovely and I had the chance to tell her that. She also agreed to make a outfit pic for me. :)

The main really important thoughts from this festival:

*Hold your heart more then anything else in this world!

*Your heart is worth fighting for!

*YOU are important and valuable!!!

*Know your value and don't let anyone to tell you that you are not worthy!!

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