Hei hei :) And again it's in the middle of the night when I'm writing my post to here(2:40 am). Talking about the time - I always used to mixe up AM and PM because there's just no logic in them to me. So, how did I finally made it clear for myself which is which? I'm sure u know the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black. Because the song is really catchy and fun then I have listened to it so many times that I almoust know all the words by hear and because the song starts with Rebecca waking up IN THE MORNING and the words are "7 AM waking up in the morning", I figured that when ever I need to use am and pm and I'm mixing them up again then I can just ask from myself - what time does Rebecca wake up... ou yeaah, 7 AM :)
I really want to go to travel somewhere in the end on January, that's when I have 2 weeks free from school, and I was thinking that may be some of u, who are living in some cool country, would like to do and exchange trip with me. We could visit each other and get to know each other's culture and country and awesome secret shopping places :). I know that some of u, who are reading my blog live outside of Estonia and I think it would be really cool if some one of u would also be excited about this idea. Well, any ways, let me know if u like my idea by writing an e-mail to me : anetepalmik@gmail.com
I took some Instagram pictures from all kinds of different things that I thought were worth takeing a pic this night, enjoy!
Avastasin enda jaoks eile selle suurepärase netiraadio. Mul on alati õmblemise ajal vaja muusikat kuulata aga kuna ma õmblen päris kaua jutti tavaliselt siis igast playlistid tüütavad üsna ruttu ära, mu oma blogi playlist on mul ka nii läbi ja lõhki läbi kuulatud. Aga sellest netiraadiost tuleb nii häid lugusid koguaeg et ma usun, et mu õmblemismuusika mured on igaveseks kadunud :)
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