Dec 16, 2015

OOTH - Central park



location - Central Park, NYC


shirt - Asos

jumpsuit - Crossroads thrift store

shoes - Marc Jacobs (from thrift shop)

bag - MÄRSS


photos - Grete Link 

Nov 17, 2015

Before the sunset

Pildistamiseks on kõige parem ilm, kui pike on tugevalt pilve taga ega piilu sealt välja või siis päikesetõus ja päikeseloojangu aeg. 

Käisime sõbraga väiksel Tallinna tripil ja meie viimane sihtpunkt oli sellel korral teletorn.

Ülesse jõudes olid pilved igal pool, aga samas oli ka veel näha maju ja eemal olevaid puid. Võtsin kaamera välja et pilvedesse mattuvat korstent pildistada ja nii kui pea üless tõstsin oli ka korten juba läinud. Minut hiljem ei näinud enam peale paksu udu mitte midagi. 

Oct 12, 2015


Avastasin et eelmise postituse nimi oli küll sõbrakesed Vääna-Jõesuus aga sõbrakesi unustasin hoopiski näidata, ainult nende pildikesi.

Kus viga näed laita seal tule ja aita.

Vahepeal saab seda vanasõna ka ise-enda peal kasutada.


Sõbrakesed Vääna-Jõesuus

Oktoobrikuu ilmad on olnud eriti ilusad ja päiksepaistelised. 

Käisime sõbrakestega üleeile Vääna-Jõesuus ilusat ilma nautimas. Päike hakkas vaikselt loojuma ja meie külmusime aga tore oli ikka.


hat - H&M

cardigan - Calvin Klein

jumpsuit - Forever21

shoes - Marc Jacobs 


Oct 8, 2015

Estonia, you produce good masks - Vestige Verdant

Näomaskid on alati lõbusad, eriti kui neid koos sõbrannadega teha.

Sain Vestige Verdant orgaanisile näomaski omale sünnipäevaks.

Olen enne ka igasuguseid tõrva ja mudamaske teinud ja mõtlesin üks õhtu pulli pärast selle ka järgi proovida. Valisin muidugi musta maski tegemiseks väga õige puhta ja valge värskelt triigitud särgi, soovitan teil siiski enne maski tegemist päevased riided tudukate vastu vahetada.

Mask ise on paksu struktuuriga, ehk siis saab väga häid ja lõbusaid maski selfisid teha.

Kümne minuti pärast hakkas nägu kergelt kipitama ja pesin maksi maha. Ootasin näo peal punaseid laike aga näonahk oli hoopis pehme nagu beebi pepu. 

Väga mõnus mask, soovitan.

Rohkem infot maski kohta :

Oct 1, 2015

Freedom Tower NYC

Grete and I visited the Freedom Tower.

The date was 9.11

We had no idea why were there so many people in that area

Then we realized ...

Sep 6, 2015

Palm trees and chikkas

Täna käisime chikkadega Southern Street Marketil kus müüdi krokodilli lihaga võileiba ja kõike muud huvitavat. Tagasiteel leidsime omale stiilse sõbra, kes uuris minult ja Gretelt kaamerate kohta, ta ise nägi ka super välja ja tegin tast väike street style jäädvustuse.

Enamus inimesed South Carolinas ei näe nii stiilsed välja, trust me.

Põhi riietus siin on suvakas t-särk, tossud ja random lühkarid pluss pony tale.

Ilmad on super.


Sep 4, 2015

Welcome to the South

I had forgot how magical is it to fly under the stars, our flight to SC took off at 5am, and lets just say we were super tired once we saw our girl Maggie.

Who we you may ask? My friend Grete came to NYC two days ago. We have a friend Maggie is from Newspring church and today she gave us a tour in the Columbia campus. Let's just say it is something else, a church that has their own building and functions like a real organisation, I am still amazed if I think about what I saw today.

Also, they do eat A LOT in the South, A LOT and everything is fried.

Me and my bag

Summer in NYC is almost over, I have NO IDEA how does the time go past so fast.

I have tons of photos to share with you all and memories that are need to being written down before I forgot them.

While moving to NYC I had two back bags which are both broken for now. Back bag is something I was wearing every day all summer long because almost every day I would have my laptop and camera with me just in case, I'm not really a huge purse kind of girl.

Since yesterday I am a proud owner of the Estonian design and hand made back bag MÄRSS .

Location / Williamsburg NYC

hat & dress / Forever 21

back bag / MÄRSS

shoes / River Island 

Jul 15, 2015

Photoshoot in Queens - Parker

I first met Parker in the Hillsong church college meeting called The Block.


It was a hot and humid Wednesday in the middle of July. We were suppose to meet in Queens for a photo shoot. Since I made it a bit too early, I decided to go to my friend's place, who lives just a few blocks from the subway station we were suppose to meet. Instead of sending him the right address on the 50th avenue, when he was already few block away from the right location in Queens, I accidentally heard the address wrong and sent him to the right house number but the 5th avenue, which is in Manhattan.

You can imagin how bad I felt about it especially because the nr 7 train that runs between Manhattan and Queens in one of the hottest lines in the whole NYC. 

After some time Parker made it to the right location and the photos turned out to be worth the travel.