Hei quys ! Part of this post is going to be in Estonian, for those who can't speak this language then.. hei, it's u'r perfect change to learn it ,)
Nonii :) Jee, eesti keeles on nii tore kirjutada vahelduse mõttes. Tegelikult ma kirjutangi siia enamjaolt puhtalt jonni pärast inglise keeles. See täiega aitab mul endal inglise keelt arendada kuna... jeps, ma tunnistan ausalt üles, et ma kasutan vahel google translator'it:) Sealt leiab nii kergesti igast sõnu, mis vahel ära ununevad.
Tegelt mul oli asja ka:)
Nimelt. . . see reede (13. mail) toimub Olevite kirikus noortekas. Tegelikult toimub see seal igal reedel algusega kell 18.30, kuid ma tahaks teid justnimelt sellel korral sinna kutsuda!
Ma ei kujuta ette mida te praegu mõtlete. Ma pakun, et "Whaat, kirik? Mis ma sinna ikka tundide kaupa palvetavaid vanamemmesid vaatama tulen". Panin täppi :D?or not:D?
Igastahes ma olen seal seekord õhtujuht ning ma täiega tahas sind seal näha!
Kui sa pole kunagi enne noortekal käinud, siis ma täiega mõtlen et sa võiksid tulla kasvõi uudisimust seda tsekkima! Tavaliselt käib seal reedeõhtuti kuskil natuke all 100 noore koos nii et ära muretse, keegi ei pane sind püsti seisma ja oma nime kõigile ütlema :D
Olli noortekad on täpelt selline koht, et soovi korral saad sa seal anonüümseks jääda aga samas seal on ka ülipalju lahedaid inimesi, keda kõiki tundma õppida.
PLUSS! Seal saab pärast snäkki/süüüa! Comooom, süüüa:D!
Meil on selleks õhtuks igast vägevad plaanid ja ma täiega tahaks, et te ka sellest osa saaksite:)!
Et siis next Friday!, 13 mai kell 18.30 Oleviste kirikus. See on see kõike kõige pikem torn Tallinna vanalinnas. Pmst Oll on selline koht kuhu sul pole võimalik mitte jõuda kui sa seda otsid kuna selle torn on lihtsalt igalt poolt näha.
Ja kui te tulete, siis täiega tulge ja rääkige minuga ka juttu! Nii lahe oleks teada saada kes tegelikult mu seda blogikest siin loevad!

Ok, Estonian talk is over:)
While being in Paris I saw the coolest ring ever. U may think.... woww. Was it big? Was it shiny? Nooo:) It wasn't shiny at all. It was a ring made for two fingers and it had a text on it.
And the text was...???? I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER. Yes, u read it right, I love Justin Bieber.
:D I just thought that it's the coolest ring because hei, this ring deffenatelly makes people talk!
It's a real spotlight material.
I saw this ring but it cost about 6 euros and I thought that it wasn't worth it, I left the store.
An hour later I started thinking about this ring againg and I started to regret my decision. After leaving Paris we went to this other France city to see a church and after seeing this beautiful church I still had a bit time and I decited to use my shopping sence and started to look for a H&M store. Believe it or not but I found it :) From a randon city, jeii. And on my way there I saw the same store where the Bieber ring was in Paris. I went in and ..... I couldn't find it.
I was really sad ... we started our way back to Estonia.
We stayed a night in Prague and we also had a bit shopping time in there. I went to this big shopping center and I randomly saw the same store again !
I went in and the sellerlady asked me if she could help me. He heee, yeah. I was like "well, mmm, where I can find the mmmm, u know, Justin Bieber stuff?" The lady started to smile secretly and showed me the way. So, I got this ring and I was really really happy:)
U have read now the long and adventorous search from two different countries just for to get a Bieber ring. May be u would like to see it now??
Here it is :