Apr 29, 2011
Apr 27, 2011
Apr 26, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
Apr 22, 2011
PP - tule ka !
Hello u all!
Tahtsin teile teada anda, et juba nädala pärast (29.aprillil) algab Pärnus kolme- päevane noortefestival nimega PP-Restarter. See on kristlik noorte üritus ja nüüd te kindlasti mõtlete et aa jaaa, kristlik jah, mida ma siin tulen mingit igavat üritust reklaamima, aga see pole üldse nii :)
Järgmine nädal tulevad Pärnusse kokku üle tuhande kristlasest noore üle terve Eestimaa ja nii palju kui ma PP'l käinu olen (terve oma elu pmst) siis seal on alati väga fun olnud. Soovitan teil igaljuhul sealt läbi hüpata!
Põhiüritused toimuvad Pärnu spordihallis kuid juba näiteks 28. aprillil (neljapäeval) toimub Noortekeskuses IN totaalselt tasuta USA bändi kontsert. Ma käisin eelmine aasta ka nende kontserdil, kui nad Eestis käisid, ja nad on lihtsalt ülihead ! Tegelt ka, kui te Pärnus elate siis minge kindlalt!! kui elate väljaspool siis mine ka:)!!! Ma ise kahjuks ei saa neljapäeval kontserdile minna, kuna reedel on vaja teha ühiskonna eksam :D
Aga jaa, näeme siis reedel, laupäeval ja pühapäeval Pärnus!
NB! kui tulete ja mind näete siis tulge kindllt rääkima ka minuga:)
Rohkem inffi : http://restarter.ee/
Järgmine nädal tulevad Pärnusse kokku üle tuhande kristlasest noore üle terve Eestimaa ja nii palju kui ma PP'l käinu olen (terve oma elu pmst) siis seal on alati väga fun olnud. Soovitan teil igaljuhul sealt läbi hüpata!
Põhiüritused toimuvad Pärnu spordihallis kuid juba näiteks 28. aprillil (neljapäeval) toimub Noortekeskuses IN totaalselt tasuta USA bändi kontsert. Ma käisin eelmine aasta ka nende kontserdil, kui nad Eestis käisid, ja nad on lihtsalt ülihead ! Tegelt ka, kui te Pärnus elate siis minge kindlalt!! kui elate väljaspool siis mine ka:)!!! Ma ise kahjuks ei saa neljapäeval kontserdile minna, kuna reedel on vaja teha ühiskonna eksam :D
Aga jaa, näeme siis reedel, laupäeval ja pühapäeval Pärnus!
NB! kui tulete ja mind näete siis tulge kindllt rääkima ka minuga:)
Rohkem inffi : http://restarter.ee/
U'r not alone , together we stand
I think that spring is the most beautiful season because then the sun comes out and all the nature wakes up from the wintersleep.
Also the final exams are coming together with the birds songs. Two days and the examination period will begin. Good luck for those who are going to write the final esse on Monday :)!
tights- H&M ; hat- from Paris ; top- from Berlin's flea market ; skirt - AP.(made by me); vest and sneakers - from a thrifty shop
Apr 16, 2011
And the winner is . . .
The Eiffel tower earrings giwe-away is over. Thank you all so much for taking part of this game!
´The new owner of the Eiffel tower earrings is :
Joanna-Stina Taliverele
Congratulations! In order to receive your gift please contact me: anetepalmik@hotmail.com

Apr 10, 2011
Sunny Tallinn
For those who don't live in Estonia : U apparently haven't seen snow for a while now but that doesn't mean that the snow is gone from all the other countries also. It may seam ridiculous but today I was shoveling the snow. Luckily in the old town the case was a bit better :)
NB! There's only 5 days left untill the give-away draw! http://stuffbyap.blogspot.com/2011/03/gift-time.html
Apr 9, 2011
looking for photographers
Hei! Just wanted to thank u all for following my blog! Lately I have made quite many clothes and I was thinking that it would be time to make a cool photoshoot. So, I wanted to say that if here's any photographer who is interested in cooperation, then contact me : anetepalmik@hotmail.com :)!
made this pic 2 years ago at a hotel in Rhodos. Random :D
Apr 8, 2011
Bye bye Netherlands
I had the chance to visit Netherlands for a couple of days.We stayed in a cute town called Venlo. The weather was just awesome (+24 degrees) so you can imagine how bad was the feeling to come back to Estonia where we still have snow:) But yes, Holland is amazing.
The most beautiful tree in the world
Apr 4, 2011
Morning flower
Because I already have posted here a post about two of my rings then I figured ...
why not show u all of them. I have really many cute rings and from now one there's going to be a ring-post-series :)
The one and only - Eiffel tower
Here are pictures from The Eiffel tower. I made only 150 pictures from it plus all the facebook-keep-smiling-pictures. Hope u are not bored from the Paris pictures because I have so many cool pics more to show u :)
NB! don't forget to take part of the Eiffel tower earrings give-away!
I'm wearing : dress- H&M ; shoes- from Bulgaria ; blac/gray jacket and belt from thrift store
At the time when I was in Paris, took place MoePA.R.K 2011. My dear friend Raili was there to represent my Flower-Power collection. She found eight gorgeous models (including herself) and they all looked so cute ! She took care of everything and I am SO grateful to her!
NB! Don't forget to take part of the give-away.
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