Dec 25, 2011

Christmas GIVEAWAY

Seeliku võitmiseks vajalike häälte kogumiseks on 2 viisi :

1.Jäta selle postituse alla kommentaar sisuga, kus sa kannaksid võidu korral seda seelikut(peab olema ka minu blogi follower) ning palun lisa kommentaari ka oma nimi, et võitmise korral saaksin sulle sellest teada anda.

2.Jäta selle postituse alla kommentaar sisuga, kus sa kannaksid võidu korral seda seelikut(peab olema ka minu blogi follower) ning samuti ka follower Anete Palmik Designi'i lehel Facebookis.

6.Jaanuaril 2012 kirjutan kõik osavõtjate hääled ülesse(igaüks võib endale saada max 2 häält) ning loosin välja võitja, kellele teen tema suuruses pildil oleva seeliku :]

There are 2 days to get yourself votes for this giveaway :

1. Leave a comment about where you would wear this skirt if u'd win this(have to he a follower of my blog). NB! Please also add your name with the comment!

2. Comment under this post about where you would wear this skirt(have to be a follower of my blog) + Be a follower of Anete Palmik's design page in Facebook

And yes, I will make small papers with all of your names (each name can get max 2 papers) and put them all
into sth so I could find out who's the lucky winner on the 6th January in 2012.

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Outfit pictures. On the 24th of December I was wearing :

dress - 5 eur, from a thrift store

belt - 5 eur, from a thrift store

earrings - 2 eur, from a thrift store

Instagram Christmas

Here's my little Christmas overview taken with my favourite Instagram

Home Alone - must see movie every Christmas

Green but happy Christmas

At church with my family

I love mu super cute friends! (and I love her coat)

I love my super cute friends vol2!

Christmas mirracle - dad bought a Coca-Coca, he normally never does that!

Mandy, u'r so busted!!

Merry Christmas !

Hei guys! Me and Mandy wish u an awesome and peaceful  Christmas time!

Dec 23, 2011

Kutse Sulle !

Juba Täna (23.detsember) toimub kauaoodatud jõulunoortekas. Oled sinna väga oodatud! Jõulukas hakkab kell 18.30 Oleviste kirikus. Jõulude ajal käiiakse ikka kirikus ja ma luban, et kui sa tuled, siis sa mingismõttes saad üllatuse osaliseks, kuna kirik ei ole ehk üldse selline koht, milleks sa seda pead :)
Challence accepted :)?

NB! Kui tulete siis tulge kindlasti ka minuga juttu rääkima :)!

Dec 21, 2011

@ Ostuöö

In the beginning of December I had the change to go to Pärnu, where took place PortArtur's shopping night which means that all the stores were opened untill 12 o'clock in the evening. It went very well and after the night shopping we went to my family's summer house with my friends. We had a really blessed time in there and I'm really thankful for that weekend. In Pärnu we also visited a youthgroup and a smallgroup where we had the change to meet some new amazing people. 

Detsembrikuu alguses oli mul võimalus minna Pärnusse, et sealsel PortArturi ostuööl AP. stuffi müüa. Disainilaat algas juba kella neljast, aga kuna ostuöö alguseks oli kell kaheksa, siis hakkas rahvas ka rohkem kella kaheksast liikuma. Kokkuvõttes läks väga hästi ja ma olen väga tänulik, et sain selle nädalavahetuse oma heade sõpradega Pärnus veeta. Külastasime seal olles ka ühe väga armast noortekast ja kodugruppi- järjekordne võimalus tutvuda uute imeliste inimestega!

Save to planet Earth jewerly

While ago I made some new jewerly. Some of them were for the AP. "save the world" collection (recycled stuff) and some of there I made from the start.

Mõni aeg tagasi tegin uue komplekti ehteid. Mõned neist olid minu "Päästa planeet Maa" projektist ehk siis ehted taaskasutatavatest asjadest ja mõned ehted tegin otsast alates ise.

Dec 7, 2011

Disainiöö Pärnus - juba sellel reedel

Heiiheii. It's almoust Christmas time and because of that you can listen to my christmas playlist while reading my blog posts. This Friday there will be a big night sale in Pärnu and AP. design is also going to be represented in there. I have made some new rings and earrings plus new skirts and dresses which would be perfect gift to your friend or even to yourself.
See u in Pärnu :] !

Heiheii! Jõuluaeg on lähenemas ning sellega seoses muutsin oma tavapärase blogi playlisti jõulumuusika vastu.
Juba sellel reedel toimub Pärnus, PortArturis suur ostuöö, millega seoses on avatud ka moelaat, kust võib leida ka AP. stuffi. Kaubavalikus on mitmed uued ehted, seelikud ja ka mõningad kleidi, mis sobivad ideaalselt kingituseks sõbrannale või hoopiski iseendale.
Tulge shoppama :] !

Nov 27, 2011

my little Skillet experience

During the festival I had a super awesome change to make an interview with a christian band from the USA called Skillet. To be honest I hadn't heard much about them before but after listening their songs I really started to like their music and because of that you can also find a couple of their songs from my blog's playlist. (Find out more about them from HERE)

Well ... first of all we had a press conference in the Turku hall with all of the journalists, mostly from Finland and after a short introduction we had a change to ask questions from the band.
I need to make one thing clear - I am no journalist, to be honest then this all ,me writing articles for two magazines is still really funny for me because I have no idea how did it all started. I have never ever in my life dreamed or even thought about becoming an journalist but somehow there I was - sitting together with all these people from different media channels, reprecenting the biggest christian youth magazine in Finland.
Because Skillet is a really famous band in the world then I had lots of questions to them and I was pretty sure that so do everyone else in the room but in the end I asked 4 questions from them and then there were two other questions from two different people. I mean ... how weird is that. You'r facing this once in a lifetime oppurtunity and you have nothing to ask from them?!?!
Well ... good for me I would say because after I went to make an interview with the main singer, John Cooper, he already recognized my and he even tried to pronounce my name correctly, which is a really difficult thing to do for the native English speakers.

The plan A was to get an interview with one of the Skillet members but somehow I managed to get two interviews - one with the main singer of the band - John Cooper and the other with the newest member of the band - Seth Morrison. And if u'll ask me how or why did I have 2 interviews then I would have to answer that I have absolutely no idea- it kind of just happened. At first the manager told us that someone else is already getting the interview with John and we could make one with the next quy sitting - Seth. The things was that I new that the band has a new quitar player but I had forgot to write down his name. So, there I was - my once in a lifetime opportunity and I had forgot to check out his name - this awkward monent.
Luckily some girl knew his name and I felt like on top of the world again.  While almoust starting the interview the manager came to us again and said sth like this to Seth "Sry, they still have the time to make the interview with John. Maybe you can give one next time ". Yeii for me for having the change to ask questions from John but I also wanted to do the interview with Seth and as I saw then he also wanted to answere my questions because as I later found out he kind of likes to be known and giving interviews is a part of being famous and known. He was really awesome and I had an awesome time doing the interview with him. After finishing the talking in front of the camera he kindly answered to all of my other questions like about being famous edc.
There was a small missunderstanding before John's interview with an other media team but it somehow got solved and I was ready to ask questions from the main singer. I'm not going to tell you what I asked from the guys or what did they answered right now because there's a video coming about all of this, but the main thing I want to bring out right now is that these 4 people were actually really famous, they have about 2,5 million followers at Facebook and lots and lots of people love their music, but at the same time they were really friendly and kind to a random girl who wanted to make an interview with them. They made lots of jokes and they also laughed at my jokes- which is really sweet I think:)And the nr 1 thing-u could really see that all four of them loved God more than anything and they are in this band because they want to share the message of God.

Ohh my, I'm so sorry about the text being so long but I just have to share this experience with u! NB! It ain't all jet ,)

Right before Skillet had to go on the stage the arena was so full of people that they didn't let anyone to go down from the tribune because there was just no room downstairs. After I had said this to the editor in chief of Pluss, he took a photographer pass from his pocket and gave it to me. I thought that this day couldn't go any better but with this pass I could go to the photographers area - and yes, I mean the space between all these first line people and the stage. It was just insane! Eleven thousand people on my right hand, the stage where Skillet was going to play any secong on my left hand and me, in the middle being the luckiest girl in the world in this very moment - in my mind I was just like: "Thank u God, Thank u God, u are just freacking amazing!!"
And then it started - Skillet came on stage and started performing, I took so many pictures and some of them came out looking even pretty ok.
There were really many photographers in front of the stage while three first songs(that's the time when we were allowed to be there)and the others tried hard to get the good position to make a photo of the artist because they were kind of running around on the stage but somehow they all just popped in front of me, almoust like coming to me and saying "Heiii, make a photo of me", so that's what I did :D

Ok, this story was so long but I hope u enjoyed it! I'm just super thankful to God for all these awesome things I have been able to do and superexcited about all the adventures He has planned for me in the future!

 It was really funny how every time I took a picture of the growd then they always posed for me- I think they thought that I'm a photographer of a famous media channel or sth