Aug 30, 2010


Have you ever been to a youth camp ? Well ... I have and these pictures are made in one
of them - at Oleviste church youth camp. All I can say is - the time there was just awesome !
God was really there and it was just indescribable !
Christians are not just crazy old people who only sit in the church and pray !
We are crazy , that's for sure !
model : Mailis

dress - AP. ; shoes - Mailis'es

Aug 29, 2010

East-Side Gallery

The Berlin Wall East Side Gallery is a 1.3km-long section of the wall near the center of

Berlin. Approximately 106 paintings by artists from all over the world cover this

memorial for freedom and make it the largest open air gallery in the world.

top - AP ; jacket - from a thrift store ; hat , boots - from Berlin ; trousers - Anni's

Aug 27, 2010

crazy Berlin

Greetings from Berlin!
I have been here now for six days and I totally love this city!
The shopping has been just insane. For now I have bought six pairs of shoes. It's like pair of shoes each day!
Berlin is really big and here are some really cool places like: the parlament house - die Bundestag and the TV tower - which has an awesome view!
So, if u're ever thinking of coming to Germany then Berlin it's the right place for all you shopaholichs and the ones who like to see into your history book!

Die Bundestag from the back side.

All the new pair of shoes we bought with my friend Anni. Together we bought nine pairs of shoes ! This very deep picture is symbolising something very deep but
I honestly have no idea what :o)

Aug 21, 2010

blond mermaid from a cartoon

Few weeks ago we made a trip to an uninhabited island with me and my 17 friends.
All I have to say is : it was awesome ! I really love my friends very much !
At the end of the last week we had our church youth camp and again ... it was awesome !
Tomorrow I'm going on a shopping / cultural trip to Berlin with my modelfriend Anni .
I'm really excited about this trip !
I have no idea why ... but my life is just awesome ! I'm really blessed and I'm just so thankful to God for all he is doing in my life. I just really love him so very much!

model : Anni-Anete

dress: AP.

Camera: Andu's - thanks bro ;)

Aug 18, 2010

Behind the scenes - Keila

Have you ever heard about a wonderful young but at the same time very talented photographer Aleksandra ?

Well , if you haven't then now is the last time to do it in her blog.

Two days ago I had the opportunity to be a stylist for her photo shoot , which took place in the little city near the capital , Keila.
Whole day was full of adventures. Like in the evening , when we made pictures in the territory of an old factory , we were caught by the security . We were lucky , he let us go because we were pretty :)

The model was really cute and pretty real redhead Kristel. She's not in any model agency but she should be !

Enjoy the pictures and the really cool video which I filmed when Aleksandra and Kristel were doing their thing ! Hope to show you the results soon .

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Aug 11, 2010

Morning sun

It's 5 am and we'r in our Bankia's home for the last 3 hours. So , despite the fact that we'r pretty
much in a hurry , me and Raili decited to go outside and make a photo shoot. It's sunny and
warm outside. In 3 hours four of our estonian team friends are starting their way back to
Estonia. There's still over a week time for me in Bulgaria.

sneakers - Raili's from Bulgaria (about 10 euros) ; dress - AP ; head bandage - Lindex

Aug 2, 2010


Photoshoot in JuĊĦen park. The pictures came out looking quite like from the twilight movie.

At the same time when we started the photoshoot , rain thought it was a good time for coming

down from the sky.However, despite the rain, finally we got this photography compleated.

model : Raili

dress- AP. ; shoes - from Bulgaria (8 eur.) ; bracelet - made by Raili ; vest - from Bulgaria