Jul 31, 2010

I Love Estonia

Pictures are made in Greek - in the small city camping place were we stayed while being in this

really beautiful and hot country. The temperatur was every day 44 degrees .

model : Nancy

trousers and top - Nancy's ; bag - AP.

I Love Bulgaria

Photoshoot is made in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia

model: Vili (love u girl!)

skirt - from a thrifty shop ; shoes and top - Vili's ; earrings - bought from Bulgaria ; bag - AP.

I Love NY

Before going on a trip to Bulgaria I made three bags with some message on it. I also made photoshoots with the bags in different places.
The first bag , I'm going to show you, has a really well known text on it : I love NY.
I made this one not only because it's text is legendary but also because I love NY myself. Although I have never ever been in this world famous city , my future plans are connected with it.

Photos are made in a Jušen park - Bulgaria. This is the park where the festival was held. At the same time we also made a photoshoot for this outfit but these photos I'll show you some other time.

Model : Raili

Jul 23, 2010

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

4 am

Remember that I told you about a photoshooting by the sea in 4 o'clock in the morning ?
Well , I'm going to Spain for a week with my family , so I thought now is the right moment to show you the preview pictures from that day.
I know that I say it almost in the end of every post I make but really , enjoy the summer and
specially enjoy the company of u'r friend and family !

I took some marshmallows with me so now the only thing that was missing was fire !
Believe it or not but I made a nice camp fire all by myself :)
I was so proud !

I will apparently never ever do it again in my blog but at least I can say that I'll done it :
I'm wearing : hat - seppäla , top , jacket , cardigan , footwear - thrift store , jeans - my mom's old jeans from the 80's .

Jul 18, 2010

Greetings from Greek and Bulgaria

Hei u all !
I have been away from Estonia now for 3 weeks. By that time I have made 4 photoshoot and I even haven't showed u pictures , which I made some days before I left Estonia with my friend . The photoshoot was crazy. We didn't go to sleep and 3am we took our bikes and started our journey to the Rocc Al Mare beach (the beach is about 10 km frim my home). I really wanted to make the photos when the sun is rising and by the miracle we made it :)
I have all the photos in my computer but now I just need some time to make them look better .
Have a really really nice summer time and soon soon, very soon I will show you all the pictures from different photoshoots :)

Jul 1, 2010

Back to the nature

reetings from Bulgaria!

Here are the pics from the photoshoot I promised to show U once I'm on my way to Bulgaria.
Well, I already am in Bulgaria . I landed here yesterday around midnight.

As much as I'v been in Sofia , I love it . Although I wouldn't like to live here because it's quite dirty in here .
I'm trying to write every day sth about what we are doing here. If anyone is interested about reading about my trip in Bulgaria [it's only in estonian, sry. The ones who don't understand estonian, U can look the pic's ! :) ] then U can chek it out http://apstufff.blogspot.com/

NB! The shoes here are so cheep and pretty that I'm going crazy. I'm definitely going to make a post about the shoes and the prices over here :)

But... enjoy the pictures and enjoy the sun :)

model : Merle